Good morning, Dyan,
I wanted to send you these pics of
Oli at ten months visiting the
nursing home.
She can't be a certified therapy dog
until she reaches a year old in
February, but our local facility has
requested her time and time
again--they can't get enough of
her. I can't believe at her age
that she has the temperament to do
this and be so patient--figured you
might be able to use this testimony
somehow or somewhere. These aren't
the best pics, but hard to hold the
dog and still do pics. Several
patients have had strokes and their
hands don't work so well, but Oli
stands patiently and lets them touch
her. She was in full blown heat
during this last visit, and still
the sweetest temperament you could
ever see.
We are doing orientation at the VA
hospital in Lexington in February in
preparation of our ultimate goal--to
be a therapy dog for the vets in
local facilities.
Frances |
TBT.....Thank you Dyan Merkel for a
dream that has shaped all the
"Campaigner's German Shepherds".
was incredible and could win now.
The year was 1982 when Vendetta
became the United States Grand
Victrix!, She was also 2x Select at
the GSDC National. FUTURITY
Victrix, .MATURITY. Victrix'. CH.
Merkel's Vendetta, OFA, ROM. (Top
producing Register of Merit Dam)
Joan Fox |
Hi Dyan.
Just an update on
my 100 pound male Zeus. He is such
a dream to have in my house not just
because he a so very clean but he
knows when I'm sad or sick. He
reads me like a book and comes over
by me and lays his head in my lap to
comfort me. He's also great with my
grand kids; even with his large size
he is gentle with them. When they
come over to visit he can anticipate
it...he knows it's play time.
Zeus is a joy to
have as a companion, protector.
He is a good friend to accompany me
in my latter years as they come.
Thanks again
Ken Sauer
Colleyville Texas
Puma/Vico son
Full brother to V1 Zessa vom Haus
Merkel IPO3, Kkl `a |
"I wanted to tell you that I have
ALWAYS wanted a shepherd that would
do the typical shepherd heel and
focus solely on me while heeling.
I LOVE that look where they are
just beside you looking at your face
to see what you want them to do. I
have tried and tried with my other
two, and yes it was me and not
them! BUT this girl is totally
different. When we are playing or
she knows we are not “working” she
does her own thing, even on leash.
But tell her to HEEL and she’s right
there, watching me like I’m her
world! Awesome. We stop and she
sits, it’s amazing to me at not even
4 months. Tickled to death!!!"
daughter |
and her little person 'Kerry'

FaceBook Post:
Merkel's Quaestor
Merkel's Odessa
with my oldest daugter Kerry
United States Grand Victrix
Champion Merkel's Vendetta
Futurity & Maturity Victrix
2 times Select
Register of Merit Female
shown here as a 6-9 puppy in 1979
winning one of her many

Ch Merkel's Quaestor
CD, OFA near ROM daughter |
Facebook comment:
lolol I just had to comment
because I lived in Dallas when
Merkel's Vendetta was a puppy.
I was a newbie and reading and
studying all the time trying to
learn the standard and when I saw
Merkel's Vendetta at a show in the
9-12 class for the first time the
light bulb went off! Ah...THAT's
the Standard!!
daughter |
June 3, 2014
Oli is doing wonderful, she is the
most awesome thing! I can't believe
she's so easy, I'm just waiting for
the other foot to drop. She has not
chewed one single thing, and when I
try to teach her something she just
"gets" it immediately! We are so in
love. I'll try to get some current
pics tonite.
"Well, Dyan
Merkel all
I can say is that she is so
awesome!! You were right about the
bloodlines! She stays right by my
side, leash or not, and does
everything I ask her to do without
arguing. Her only downfall, if you
would call it one, is that she is
soooo spoiled, and I don't think I'm
solely responsible! She is
housebroken and knows sitz, platz,
foos, and come by 12 weeks of age.
We are working on more complex
commands but wanted to get the
basics down first. Please feel free
to copy this on your testimonials
page, or let me know how and I will
do it. I will say, though, that her
brother haunts me! I keep looking at
his pic thinking, could I, should I,
would I??? Even looked at the map to
see how far it is from me!" |
Hi Dyan! Thanks so much for all of
your time today. Here are a couple
of pictures of our Heidi. |

son |
Thank you so much for
the picture. I wanted to let you
know we made it home and he was
great - relaxed or asleep almost the
whole way. He's also doing so well
in his crate and hasn't had an
accident in there yet. This may
sound crazy but he's already doing
well on a leash. I used it last
night for potty breaks and by this
morning when we went for our walk,
he was right beside me! I can't
believe how quickly he's already
learning. I will be sure to send
pictures as he grows and I will let
you know how the vet appointment
Lauren |
I mentioned over a month ago I would send some pictures of Rosie. Her temperament is fantastic. I am so glad I found you when we decided to buy a German Shepherd. We will be 2 yrs old in May.
She may look a little heavy. We did lower her food intake recently. She weighs about 78 lbs. Her coat has a red tinge to it. I don't think the pictures do justice to her coloring. It's beautiful. She has lost much of her winter undercoat now.
Hope all is good with you and your dogs and puppies. Have a wonderful Easter.
Kind regards,
Hi Dyan,
Just want to let you know he was right on time yesterday and he is adorable. He really seems to have exactly the temperament I was looking for. Thank you so much. I am very happy and deeply in love already.
I will send you some pictures after he has grown some.
I saw on the news this morning you had some bad weather in N TX yesterday. I truly hope it skirted around you and you had no ill effects.
I wish you the very best with your medical tests coming up.
God Bless you,
Turk Chaney
Hi Dyan, hope all is
well with you. Wanted to update you
on my puppy that we recently
purchased. We changed her name from
Lola to Pia (acronym for PAIN IN the
ASS!). :)
It suits her, I had forgotten what
it's like having a pup. I was
certain my large male was going to
kill her if he had half a chance.
Glad to say that after a lot of
patience and hard work they are now
the best of friends. She is growing
so fast and has the greatest
personality. She is smart as a whip
and very feisty. I think she will
be the most beautiful dog ever! As
you can tell I'm completely in love
with her.
Thanks again, Deni Pierce |
We are very happy is going very well
very smart and a beautiful attitude
you can do anything to him when he's
sleeping ,eating he never get mad
unbelievable. Thank you,
Norty |
Darlin'. :-)
Isn't she gorgeous? Lots of
compliments. Thank you.
She is really a funny girl. At night
I will be sleeping and she will
pounce on me or sit on me as if to
say, "What you doing, mom?"
Debra |

Hi Dyan,
Just thought I'd send
you an update on our puppy:). We
named him Marko. He is doing
great!! Growing so fast. Never any
accidents in the house, learning his
commands so easily (he's very
smart), and just loves the boys. He
goes for his next vet appt tom so we
will see how much he's grown. We
hope you are doing well.
Sendhil and Lindsay
Govindarajan |
I am the one who adopted a male
puppy last spring. We named him
Tuff, and he is doing very well.
He's wonderful with children and
very easily trained. Our older
rescue German Shepherd finally lost
the ability to walk and we had to
put him down last fall. It was sad,
but I was glad to not see him suffer
anymore. We were wondering if you
knew of another puppy or young
German Shepherd that was available
for adoption. We would like Tuff to
have a friend, but we couldn't
financially afford an expensive dog.
Please keep us in mind if you know
of a German Shepherd puppy that
needs adopting. Thank you so much!
Erin Renfro |
2-16/14 6 year old Annie was just
retired into her new home. She
walked in like she owned the place
and them. Don't we all love happy
endings?! |

Hi Dyan,
Just to keep you informed, Dexter
had his 1st vet visit today and it
went great! We wanted to let you
know the doctor agreed that Dexter
is in "perfect health!" He said his
joints, teeth, stature and
temperament are amazing. The doctor
was quite impressed with the quality
of dogs that you are breeding and
also mentioned that a quality dog
such as Dexter is not commonly seen.
We know that you are already aware
all of this but thought you'd like
hearing that your hard work is very
much appreciated. You are welcome to
quote us if you'd like. If we hear
of anyone looking for a German
Shepherd you are the person we will
be sending them to.
We will be sending you pictures as
he grows and look forward to keeping
in touch with you. Have a great
Suzzi & Alfredo |
Hi Dyan,
Just thought I'd let you know we
made it back to houston and the new
puppy did wonderful on the drive.
He slept pretty much the whole
time! He's already made himself
quite at home. Following us
everywhere and loving his new bed.
Thanks again, we will keep on touch!
Lindsay |

Hi Dyan, It’s been almost three
years no since we got Max. I just
wanted to share a photo that was
taken recently by our local
newspaper. I built a large play
house/swing/slide combination for
our grandchildren and Max loves to
climb the
ramp and go down the slide. He is
very intelligent and well mannered.
His parents were V Ken Vom
Rosenblick and Uma Vom Haus Merkel.
There wasn’t any article to go with
the photo, just what was printed
across the photo. We love him very
much. He is a great companion and is
a natural guard dog when it comes to
looking after our three
grandchildren. It’s amazing to watch
him get between them and any
possible threat like the street or a
stranger. Thanks again, Garry
Oklahoma |
Dyan...Terry told me a long time ago
that you were giving him one of your
beautiful dogs. What you did is
truly one of the nicest things that
I've ever heard anyone do. Terry and
I have been very special friends
since high school so I know him
well. I can assure you that dog will
be loved and taken care of like no
other. She will fill a huge void
that was left when Terry lost Sandy.
Thank you Dyan...you are very
Missouri |

Hi Dyan and Happy New
Year! Hope 2014 treats you
I'm writing to let
you know we are back in Alabama. The
last time we talked was in April of
last year.
(P.S. We just
celebrated Coco's 2nd bthdy on the
30th .... Had cupcakes, no icing tho!

Puma and Putz
daughters |
Thank you for the kind words Dyan.
Here are Penny and Laney with Small
Bob in Florida. They have been bathing him
nonstop in Izzy's absence. |

Puma/Scotty |
Hi Dyan,
Happy New Year. I thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of Ranger and the kids at our home in Texas. We really enjoy him.
Thanks, Steve Kaufman
1/2/14 |

Elvy/Putz son
December 6, 2013
Here is Milo doing
very well here in Florida at
Christmas time. We have an appointment
next week for check up.
He is
doing very well playing a lot!
Nory |

son @ 9 weeks
just moments after getting home
with him from picking him
up at the airplort.

@ 5 weeks
November 27, 2013
We already got him we are very happy
he looks beautiful, thank you so
much we love him we really
appreciate everything thank you very
much for our new family member.
Thank you Nory
Miami, Florida
Thank you I will try that it just started so its already healing I'm just afraid to take the cone off and she makes it worse.
We get so many compliments on her and she is so smart her trainer was impressed she learned everything so quickly. She knows all the basic commands and knows the names of a few toys when we tell her to get them. She even knows some fun tricks too like high five and touch(I can tell her to touch the light switch and she will jump up and turn the light off). She has one if those treat puzzle games where you hide treats in compartments and they have to figure out how to get them out and she can do that on the hardest setting. Her trainer was amazed at how quick she found them. She's sometimes too smart for her own good though and is stubborn ( I will tell her to do something and she will look at my husband until he says it too because she doesn't want to do it). The only issue we have had is she started barking at people and other dogs. I know that it is in her protective nature but she scares them and they don't realize she is harmless. We have been working on it though and she has gotten better. We have a baby on the way so that will be our next adventure with her seeing how she does with a baby. She can tell something is up because she will lay next to me and put her head on my belly. She hasn't really put on muscle yet and I'm not sure if its just her metabolism is so high or that her food is so organic or she just isn't old enough yet. I switched her over to the large breed with higher protein. Should I mix some wet food in with her dry food or should I just not worry about it until she hits 2? When I would get her wet in a bath you could see her spine but since I switched her over to large breed you can't anymore but I haven't been able to weigh her since I switched her. I was just concerned because she was floating around 60-65 and that's what she was when she was 7 months old. She got taller without gaining weight. I know she's female and they don't get as big as the males but you said the litter was big boned and when she went in for her 1 yr visit at the vet they said she would probably hit 80 by now. Thanks again!
Jen Ohio
Dyan must let
you know we take 'Schatzie' to Lake
Sumpter Landing every weekend. She
is the center of attraction! We meet
people from all over the world
there. We get compliments after
compliments on her. We had people
ask if they could just take a
picture of her because she is so
beautiful. This one restaurant
called Johnnie Rockets in Florida, they have a
sign no pets, but the owner will
allow her in there, because she is
so well behaved and trained. One of
the workers asked if he could
please have a picture taken with her
beside him. They have various
stands through out the whole place,
the workers see her coming down the
side walk, they get excited and come
out to talk with her. Dyan I need
to have some type of business card
from you I advertise all the time
for you, I tell them your web site
but I know they won’t remember it.
Puma/Ken daughter |
'Z' litter

Elvy/Zorro son @10
months |
Dear Dyan,
Just a quick shot of Jack at the pool early in the morning. I'll send more photos soon but this is his favorite spot after he has eaten in the morning. He is like a tourist sunbathing.Leslie
I had a German Shepherd that I
purchased about 15 years ago. I got him from
Hungary. I did work him in
Schutzhund some. He was a beautiful black
and red dog. He had amazing temperament. I was out
cutting the grass and put him on a down (platz) on
the front stoop. I lived in a suburb where there is
a lot of foot and bike traffic. Well things got busy
and I kind of forgot about him and three hours
later, he was still there and did not move until I
released him. I no longer have time for Schutzhund
but I am interested in a companion. It is just my
wife and I now at home.
We heard
about you last week. My wife was in Madison
Wisconsin helping to move my son into a new
apartment for his last year in college. They came
across a blind man who had a dog and was being
assisted into a car by a friend. My wife commented
on how beautiful the dog was and that we once had a
dog who looked identical. The man raved about where
he got the dog and gave us your name.
So bottom
line, I am looking for a smart dog without issues
such as separation anxiety or aggression. I
would keep him inside. Too cold in Minnesota to be
out in the winter. I want a dog that I can trust to
be home by himself and not destroy the house. I
want a dog that could be trained in Schutzhund
caliber. Thanks for
your quick response. Tony
' |
We are
the family who
bought the puppy
from you yesterday.
Lady has yet to eat
anything. She isn't
playing either.
She's been my
shadow. Other than
that, she's been
amazing. She's
smarter than a lot
of people...
She has
a well puppy check
up tomorrow, but
before we got the
vet's opinion, we
wanted yours since
you've been raising
these dogs for so
My only theory is
she's such a loving,
loyal dog, that
she's having a hard
time adjusting to
not being with her
mother and sister.
By the
way, your
doesn't do your dogs
justice, though i
doubt any amount of
words could. We are
astounded by how
smart she is. We
haven't had to tell
her anything more
than once. She's
Thank you! Alex
Texas |
You put out some fine pups.
Everywhere he goes people are
impressed. Me too.
Craig Teague
PS. This is the pup that I told you
would be exploring tropical islands
with my female GSD & me. I closed on
the boat today. The adventure has
begun. Best wishes from the
'J' Litter

Wickie/Putz daughter |
Dyan, She is such a sweet girl,
and very smart. She loves to herd
our son
Sean Arizona |
'F' Litter

daughter |
Dyan,I have never had a shepherd that loved water before. Storm just goes crazy when I get the hose out to do some watering or fill the fountain. We had to buy her a small wading pool.
Now, the question is...does she have a ball drive? The answer is boy oh boy does she! Although we do not throw it hard or far she will retrieve it all day long if she could. If I sit down to relax she goes to her toy box and gets a ball for me to toss and the real pain is that since I do not want her jumping for it I throw it low and she is so fast that she will get it before it gets past her and bring it back, and we can not fake her out on a throw. Oh, if a ball is not available she has other chew toys that she will substitute.
Summary, Smart, fast learner, beautiful, loves water, rain (not bothered by lightning and/or thunder), balls and walking, wants to play all day, good eater, excellent health and is good with other dogs and cats. So far minimum exposure to small children that will be this weekend as we will see how she does with fireworks.
'E' Litter

Puma/Ken daughter |
Dyan enclosed pictures of our Sweetheart Schatzie, she is so smart and a loving dog. You only have to show her something once or twice, and she’s got it. For example: I have a set of bells hanging on my back door, I told her if you want to go out, you ring the bells, I showed her 2 times, every since then she walks over takes her nose and rings the bells, and she will sit and wait. She understands both German and English. We take her to the villages every Sunday and walk through the entire area, they have a radio announcer there that sits in a cubical and plays music, we walk buy and he announces here’s the beautiful shepherd Schatzie, people actually drive down the streets there, and slows down and looks at her, everyone walking down the sidewalks stops to tell us how beautiful she is. People ask where we got her and give them your web site in which we do. I am on a bowling league and she goes to the bowling alley with us. Everyone loves her there and they all take time to stop and say Hi Schatzie, and pet her. She struts through there like she owns the place! They don’t allow dogs in there but they allow Schatzie amazing! One time we didn’t take her and you would be amazed at the people that asked where is Schatzie?
Dyan you do such a wonderful job with your Shepherds I am always recommending people to you. Your shepherds are worth every penny believe me. In fact next month for her 3rd year birthday I am contacting the local channel 9 down to Dennys Restaurant to take pictures of her sitting on the patio having her birthday breakfast! If they go along with it I will see if I can get a copy and send it to you.
All I can say is if anyone who sees this if they want a good well bred Shepherd they need to contact you, money well spent.
Helen Florida
'B litter'

Kim/VA Paul daughter
You sure can post it! I'll get a pic from the photographer when I can.
I cannot impress to you how smart this dog is and I am sure she is a perfect example of what you breed and produce. My hardest hurdle with her was her obsession with treats!! I kid you not she is obsessed. She would make the perfect beggin strip commercial dog ever!! LOL Once, just for the heck of it I took her out in the woods. Far enough she couldn't see the house. Now, she doesn't like to go anywhere alone, she doesn't like the woods period!! hee hee People think it's odd, I tell them that's exactly how a "good" dog should be. They shouldn't want to be away from their people. They shouldn't prefer other dogs and you know what I'm talking about so I won't go further. Anyway......(got off track there) so here we are in the woods. She is off leash just walking with me. Alex was out on a date, so I knew she wouldn't worry about leaving him behind. I had David rattle the bag, just rattle it!! In the garage. And she took off like a lightening bolt for that bag of treats!! I don't care where she is, if she hears "the" bag she will clear all obstacles to get there! So I have always teased that she would be the perfect commercial dog and you wouldn't even have to starve her for how ever long they make those dogs wait!! You can't say the word "snack" around her or spell it!! She knows what your talking about and will run to them. She is just a bit spoiled........just a bit.
Did I tell you about the thread I found ditching your dogs??? I didn't realize it was like three years old. I got on there and gave them what for and told them all a bout Bryn and what she had accomplished. It wasn't long till about six other of your puppy owners were right there with me. The lady who started it chewed us all out and shut the thread down. Geee Someone had brought a dog back. My first line was any reputable breeder WANTS their puppy back! It's in most contracts if you have one! If the dog didn't work for you it's not Dyan's fault. Then I went into my spill about Bryn and temperament etc.... I wish I would have screen printed it. But I didn't realize how old it was or that the lady would take such offense!! ha ha She knew she was wrong! Once I had a lady that had three of my dogs and when she had a sudden heart attack, very unexpected, and passed away, can you believe she left me her entire kennel!! That was a shock. I took them and placed them, but she had a husband and kids!!!! Can you say, awkward?? I did keep her retired police import for my father in law. He was constable. Ozzy was perfect for him . They were a great duo. I don't really know why he was retired. Because he was only 7. And he loved the buzz of the officer chase. We used to have a lot going on out here and when Paw strapped on his badge and gun Ozzy was ready to go.
Why does everyone want males???? Females are just as good. There is a market for service dogs as so many people are in need!! As smart as your dogs are you will have no problem training them Especially so young. Remember Bryn was already 18 months old when we got her. And still look what she accomplished!!!
Keep me posted!!!Arkansas
'F' Litter

daughter |
Hope all is well Storm is still growing and as before is beautiful. She is especially smart and takes to training like water off a ducks back. As mentioned in our earlier e-mail (when she was 16 weeks old) she is doing great and the only problem with her is that everyone who sees her want to admire her.
When we walk into the vet the staff look up and greet her by name and ask us for our names to prepare the paper work.
We love her and she is doing great, we could not be happier with her.
Alex Illinois
son @ 14 months |
Dyan, I travel during the week and have little time when I am home. It is not the best but you might be able to see what a fine mover and example of breed he has turned out to be. That is why I have always come back to you for a great German Shepherd.
Best Regards, Bruce Arkansas

son |
Here is a picture of Max with his
kiddos. He is two now and perfect!
Florida |
@ 8 weeks

daughter |
Thanks for allowing Connor and I
to come pick out our dog in
person. She is a wonderful
addition to the family. We are
finally home after far too many
hours in the car. 1800 miles in
3 days has left me a little
weary, and I can't remember if I
asked you everything when we
were there. I do have a few
quick questions on the dog's
You said she had been in the
house for 2 weeks. Did you feel
she was fully house trained
since she is only 12 weeks old?
She did very well on the car
What were her sleeping
arrangements and her night time
routine? Had she spent time in a
crate/kennel, and if so how was
she put up for the night?
Roughly how much was she eating
and did you have a feeding
schedule? (Full access vs
intermittent feeding)
Thanks so much for all your
help. I believe we are naming
her Johanna.
'G' litter

5 month Wladamir/Quinny
May 30, 2013
Dyan, Misha is doing amazing!
I will be meeting with an AKC
Herding group judge next week to
discuss her potential in the show
She get’s along great with everyone
she meets now and enjoys
socialization at the dog park.
Attaching a couple pics.
Best wishes, Scott
A. Groff
Texas |
May 28, 2013
This what I have to
deal with! Laney and
Penny go out the
front door and race
around back to get
into the kitchen!
Too darn smart!
Florida |
'B' Litter

son |
Diesel growing up in Dallas, Texas.
'E' litter

son 5 months old |
Here's a couple pics of jax going
into the lake in front of our house,
and relaxing in our motor home. He
loves to travel and loves to jump
into the lake.... whether we want
him to or not!
Florida |

training to be a
Handicap Assistance Dog |
Hi Dyan!
Well Carmen/Kharma is doing very
well with her training! Super smart
girl! Thank you so much for helping
make a dream come true.
I wondered how you were faring after
your loss... and how the puppies
were doing? I hope all is getting a
little better.
Just wanted to let you know how my
girl is doing! She is laid back and
doing great!
Florida |
Thank you.
yes, we received his papers.
He has been a great addition to
the family. Highland
Park, Texas
Subject: Thanks from
Tulsa Oklahoma
Hy Dyan,
Thanks for allowing
Carol and I to visit
last week and see your
lovely dogs. As you may
recall, we were referred
by a former Dallasite
named Tex, who lives in
my oldest daughter's
apartment building in
Manhattan and who bought
way-cute 5 month old
Ranger from you --you
were uncertain who it
was and so I asked
around. He told my
daughter that Ranger's
parents are Putz and
We loved your pups; they
are obviously very high
quality--Carol even
wanted to consider a
girl for the first time,
so cute were they all.
We both particularly
appreciated your
approach to both
breeding and your
confident, low key
method of training and
raising the pups --it
shows in their behavior.
We have really been
torn, and I don't even
know if your male is
still available. For a
while, we have been in
the process of getting
an imported male from a
friend/acquaintance who
is a serious hobby
breeder. When we
visited we were not sure
he was going to have any
pups and right after we
visited he told us he
would. We feel like we
have made somewhat of a commitment
to him that we should
honor and since we don't
think we have capacity
for two dogs, we
reluctantly decided to
pass on your pups, at
least for now. If
circumstances change, we
will almost certainly
want to call back to see
what animals you may
have available then.
Thank you again for your
time. You have a
wonderful breeding
Best Regards,
Steve and Carol
'B' Litter

Puma/Scotty son
Texas |
May 1, 2013 Happy 1st Birthday
The Nick Shah Family |
Stella is wonderful. Fantastic
with the kids has trained very
easily. Such a loving playful
dog. I will send you pictures
soon. I have sent some but don't
know if you received them.
New York, New York
Hi Dyan,
Thank you for mailing us the AKC
registration form!
We continue to be amazed by our
puppy we got from you last summer.
His training is going great! We get
so many compliments on his looks and
I've attached a recent picture of
him. Please let me know if you would
like more.
Jennifer Guibert
Atlanta, Georgia |
Hi Dyan,
I hope all is
Firstly, I want
to tell you what an amazing
addition Ranger has been to our
little family. He has brought,
and continues to bring, so much
joy, love and happiness into our
lives in ways we never thought
possible. It is so wonderful
watching him grow, learn,
explore and play. He is so
smart, gentle and curious - and
to top it all off, he is the
talk of the town! We can't take
a walk without being stopped
every few steps for pictures,
pets, and general admiration.
Secondly, I just went to go
register Ranger with the AKC
(finally) and it looks like we
need an individual Dog
Registration Application, which
is supposed to be provided by
the seller. Is that something
that you can either email or
mail to us? I
have attached a few recent
pictures of our little man for
you. We can't thank you enough
for giving us the opportunity to
bring Ranger into our lives. I
look forward to hearing back
from you!!
'N Litter'

4/6/13 Arizona |
Service Dog in Training
'N' Litter

daughter |
Emma is in
my face this morning - wants to see
her friends at Bowdoin! Here she is
planting herself in front of me
panting with anticipation...this dog
is smart.
Maine |

Ken/Puma son
(repeat litter) |
Hi, hope all is well
with you and your back is feeling
better!!! Just want to let you know
that Lou is doing very well so far!
He is everything I
asked you for. He is confident with
a lot of personality. I am on
vacation this week and he is my
little shadow.
Wherever I am, Lou is not far away.
My female LOVES him and is FANTASTIC
with him (luckily). He is catching
on very quickly too. Very happy!
Kriste New
Jersey |

Ken/Clδr son |
How are you doing? Hope all is
Here's a picture of Dodger, 22
Take care & regards,
Tony & Maya North Carolina
'Z' Litter

son @ 9 months |
You had said you wanted pictures
of your puppies when they were
older. Meet Sig, in this picture
he is about 11 months old. He
was from you 3-10-12 litter,
Putz and Vessa. He is the
coolest dog. He and my 9 year
old male
German Shepherd are the
Best of Friends. They are
inseparable. He has more energy
than you can believe and the
best personality. My 9 year old
has taught him to be the big
protector. When ever he hears
something in the alley, the hair
goes up on his back and he takes
off to get the bad guys but when
friends come to the house he is
great with them after he knows
The picture is a little blurry
because he never stops.
Thanks so much. Take care.
'E' Litter

Clδr/Ken |
Hi Dyan,
Here is a picture of Stella today. One of her favorite
places to be! We are loving her she is just such
a sweet, fun to be around dog. Hope all is well
with you.
Jimmy and Kandi Endres
Texas |
'E' Litter

Clδr/Ken son |
Jackson is doing fine. He has been rather cavalier about
learning to be housebroken, but we think he's finally got
the hang of it. He keeps getting bigger and bigger, and
everyone who sees him is impressed by his good looks,
manners and boyish charm. He knows sit and "shake" and walks
very good on a leash, and as you can see by the picture,
gets our newspaper in the morning. He does struggle with the
heavy Sunday paper, but in another couple of months, will
not have a problem carrying it! We couldn't be happier with
I'll keep the pictures coming.
PS Jax has a pool and loves the water. We have a lake across
from us which he loves to jump into. Florida
'F' litter

Anuschka/Putz son |
Thought you would like these pics of Rookie at 3mo. He had his
first visit to Rockwall County Veterinary Clinic to get his 12
week check-up and shots. Dr Keith Taylor is our Vet. He and his
staff spoke very highly of you and, when I said you would be
getting an update, Dr Taylor asked if I would to tell you hello
for him.
We set a date in May to have him neutered, which should take
care of him. He is doing great!

Puma/Ken male
Photo @12 months |
Sorry it's taken so long to send you some photos of Remo, I
snapped these yesterday. He is doing very well and is quite
happy. We love him very much and he's everything we had
hoped. David Arkansas
I can personally vouch for
the solid temperament and
soundness of Dyan's dogs. I
purchased an 18 month old
female for my son as a
service dog. It takes two to
three years to train and
certify most service dogs.
We have had Bryn for a
little over a year and she
is completely certified as a
service dog as well as a
medical alert dog and just
for the heck of it my son
put her CGC on her just last
week. She picks up dropped
objects, can open doors, she
can alert when Alex needs
help and many more things.
Her most important job?
Alerting to high blood
pressure, low blood pressure
and low blood sugar. Not
just any dog can do this.
The dog must have a strong
bond with it's "person". You
cannot even begin to have a
bond like this unless the
puppy has been properly
conditioned. Dyan's dogs are
properly conditioned. Bryn
is a people dog. Not a dog's
dog. She craves human
attention and companionship.
That comes from being in a
kennel where a lot of time
has been spent with humans
and not other canines. She
has been properly socialized
and is comfortable in any
situation. Again, that is
Dyan's doing. Good homes are
very important to Dyan. She
puts a lot of love and time
into her puppies. I believe
she tries extra hard to
place each puppy/dog in the
right home. If she doesn't
have something to fit your
needs, you probably won't
get a dog. That's better
than having an ill fitting
match. She stands behind her
dogs. If it doesn't work
out. She wants her dog back
and will replace it if
We could not be more happy
with Bryn. My son is
paralyzed from the chest
down. Bryn has brought
freedom and happiness and
laughter that could not have
come from anywhere else. Jennece
in Arkansas
'B litter'

Kim/VA Paul daughter
We now have Bryn
certified as a Therapy Dog too!!!
So, she is
certified Service Dog
certified Medical
Alert Dog
CGC (Canine Good
and certified
Therapy Dog
I attached her
K-9 card that a company made for
us to hand out when she goes to
schools and daycares. Pretty
Bryn, I believe is
smarter than all of us!! Too smart
for her own britches!!! Have you
ever seen a dog watch a clock???
Alex doesn't take her to his labs
because they are three hours long.
So she stays with me. She will watch
the clock and when it is time for
him to get out of class she will go
and lay by the door and wait for
him!! Such a smartie pants! |
Clar/Ken Daughter
Kim, the lady who picked Ellie
at the Airport and I have had more fun with her
around the house today. You are right, so smart, picks
up commands easily. What a beautiful dog! My lab
tolerates her but isn't quite sure about her yet. Nose
out of joint feeling like too much attention to new
puppy even though we include her also. I gave her
vaccine records to my vet. They need to know the tag #
for the rabies or the vet clinic it was given. Thanks.
Off to feed the girls! Oh, Ellie said thanks for sending
her here!!!! Mary
Dyan, I asked Tim where all the paperwork for the
puppy was, He told me the airline people took it out of
the envelope and took it to the back, therefore he
"assumed" it was their paperwork. No offense, but these
people have dogs that they take all over. I would think
they would know to ask for the health papers!
GRRRRR! I guess I can't say anything, I
couldn't pick her up. Would your vet at least have the #
on the tag?? My vet could call them for it if they would
have it. I could try calling AA but I'm sure they don't
have the paperwork any longer.
Well we had another good night. She is sitting here
chewing on her bone. Everyone except the cats love her.
The cats are very put out by this intruder. The lab is
fine with her until later in the evening when Ellie
wants to play and she doesn't. She gets grumpy and
growls at her as she walks away. That is about as
aggressive as Daisy gets. Will give you updates on Miss
Ellies progress! Thanks
'a' litter

Pan/Lira daughter |
are visiting my brother in South
Fork, Colorado; Abba goes with us
everywhere we go.
Here are two pictures of her. One is
of her in the snow; the other is of
her in her “Den”
Texas |
'z' litter

Putz/Vessa daughter @ 7 months |
Hi Dyan,
I saw you had surgery recently? Hope
all is well. Wanted to see if Zelda
could come for two visits in the
next two months.
Zelda is doing great and we love her
immensely! She's a very happy puppy
as you can see by some of my FB
posts. Thanks for thinking of
us. She's brought us much
happiness and helped us through the
loss of Hannah.
Texas |

Clar/Ken son
Shipped 1/11/13 |
Hi Dyan,
Just wanted to thank you for Our puppy! He's so smart and
laid back. His alcohol name will be Eragon but we call him
Jackson. Will his papers come in the mail? It's been so long
since we did this, I forget how it works!
Art Griffin
'F' Litter

Anuschka/Putz son
Shipped 1/19/13 |
Very happy! Thank you!
Julie Evans
Florida |
H i
We left Otto vom
Haus Merkel on
the deck one day
unattended and
we noticed he
was all wet and
no water was
running. Our
friend Josephine
told us he could
turn the faucet
on and off. We
didn't believe
While we were at
work, Josephine
filmed this to
convince us that
Otto knew how to
turn the water
ON and
For those of you
who don’t know
Otto, he is our
son Max's 17
month old German
shepherd. We
think he might
be smarter than
a 5th Grader!
P utz/Wickie
son from the 1st
Wickie and Putz
are expecting
again for the
3rd repeat of
this incredible
New York
Video of Rudi at
8 months getting the morning
I can't seem to make it work on
the website but the 'You Tube'
link is below.
@ 8 months
from the 'J' litter
Wickie/Putz son
You might enjoy
this. Rudi wants to
do this more than
eat in the morning.
As you can see he is
a spoiled house dog.
I don't know if you
remember but Rudi
was the little guy.
He is standard size
and has this
gorgeous movement. A
lot of angulation
but thankfully it is
german angulation.
As discussed in the
past, this is my
third from you since
the mid 80's,
(Apache, Romel and
now Rudi) and I can
always count on a
great example of the
breed that drips
with type from you.
For me, no type no
@ 8 months
'J' litter

Wickie/Putz son |
knew about your
mother and am so
sorry to hear about
the rest of your bad
luck. I would love
to have another one
of your dogs but my
wife would kill me!
We have a black and
tan bitch out of
German breeding that
is a couple of
months older than
Rudi. She is also
out of German
imports but does not
have a proper coat
and is not near the
example of breed as
Rudi. She is
intelligent and has
a great nose. I had
her spayed and they
are both house dogs.
In any case we are
both in our mid 60’s
and had forgotten
how much trouble 2
puppies can be. Dyan,
as much as I love
your dogs I think I
love my wife
more…..If I hear of
anyone who make a
good home for your
female I’ll let you

Ulla/Quilo son |
Hey Dyan --
I’ve attached the sales agreement for Sam and a copy of the
link you sent me for ”S” litter vom Haus Merkel. Sam is the
best shepherd we’ve ever had! His temperament is amazing.
He’s such a happy dog and loves everyone.
I’ll send more photos.
Sylvia Rogers
Texas |
12/19/12 H ello
My name is Chester
Tam and I am the
husband of Helen Tam
who you have been in
contact with
regarding our new
puppy. Attached is
the signed contract
that you requested
from us. The one
question I had to
you regarding the
name of the puppy
is, if we were to
give him our last
name, would we put
that before the Von
Haus Merkel or
after? Thank you for
clearing up the
first name starting
with an E with Helen
as this kept her up
all night trying to
figure out a name
starting with E.
I know Helen has
told you I've been
skeptical about
purchasing a dog
online at such a
hefty price tag
without ever seeing
a puppy. There are
so many scams out
there these days and
this is what cause
me to feel this way.
Now that the time
has finally arrived
for us to welcome
home our new family
member, I'd like to
thank you for all
you have done. I'm
grateful that you
have provided us
with a puppy you
feel will be a great
fit for our family
and grateful for all
the answers you have
provided back as we
had them. As you may
know, Helen and I
are in love with
German Shepherds and
this will come at
the perfect time of
year. We are very
excited to see our
children's reaction
tonight when we go
to the airport.
Thank you for doing
all that you do to
share such wonderful
dogs with the world.
We will be in touch
Happy Holidays,
Chester Tam
Maine |
Photos soon |
Hey Dyan!
Haven't heard from you in a while. I thought I'd send a few pics of Bryn.
Did I tell you
we put a CGC on
her? Well she
was the top
score in her
class. We also
had her tested
for a therapy
dog, so now she
can visit little
kids in the
hospital. So,
she is a
Service Dog,
Medical Alert
Dog, Certified
Therapy Dog and
she has a CGC!
Pretty cool!
Have a very
Jennece, Alex
and Brynny
'B' Litter
@6-7 months

sent this around
Xmas. She is chewing
on a small rawhide,
I think her face is
beautiful. She is a
big girl. Not sure
how much she weighs
but it must be about
55 to 60 lbs at this
point. She is
so strong. While
visiting my parents
she tried to chase a
cat in the rain. I
ended up falling in
mud but managed to
hold on to the
leash. It was all I
could do to hold her
back. I have learned
that the "leave it"
command that she was
taught by the
trainer helps with
these types of
situations. She is
still on puppy food.
( nutro ultra). When
do you recommend I
change her to an
adult food?
Dyan. - Merry
Here is a
picture of
Rosie. Still a
work in process
in obedience. We
have just gotten
her back from 18
days of board
and train in
Flower Mound.
She is a bundle
of energy.
saw pictures of
your current
litters on your
website. That is
a fantastic
looking male you
Best regards,
Ann Crossman

son |
this note finds you
well and enjoying
the holiday season.
Otto will be on
packaging for a Pet
car bench seat cover
to be out in stores
like Kohl’s soon and
also In the
January 2013
catalog'. He’s a

Puma/Ken daughter |
Luna's play date in Greenwich
today...this is what I do for her.....Patton (golden),
Samson (lab) and Jack (rat terrier)....Jack is her boyfriend
go figure! Hope this isn't too annoying for you all.
:)....xo Heide New York |

This litter will be repeated. |
Uzi at 12 months of age with his little
girl. Texas |

Jen and I wanted to pass along some new pics of Cooper,
Voltan and Ullas litter back in February 2010. Cooper was
entered into a Halloween contest at his doggy camp we take
him to and he won LOL!! His winning Halloween pic is
attached, although Cooper looks beyond upset about wearing
his Halloween outfit. I also attached another Pic of Cooper
enjoying his day at camp. Cooper continues to be the love of
our lives. He has absolutely become part of our family and
goes everywhere with us. He always steals everyone's heart
that meet him, although at first impression, people tend to
be a little hesitant coming up to him. He is the favorite at
the Camp we take him too, the staff even have the Pic of
him, attached above by the Pool, hanging up in their lobby.
Hope all is well. We saw about the dog attack on one of your
females, you all were in our thoughts and prayers. Was the
owner ever caught? Please keep us updated as we still think
about how you both are doing.
Thank you again for providing such a special companion for
Jen and I. We will continue to keep you updated on Cooper
and us.
Jonathan and Jen Palmer
Michigan |
'R' Litter

Puma/Ken son |
Hi Dyan,
Duke is doing great.
(Carlos was not such a fan of the pink,
but we all know it is for a great
cause!!) We just absolutely adore him.
There is not an outing he goes on that
he is not getting praise and compliments
on how beautiful he is. Our vet is very
impressed with his mannerisms and
behavior. Hope all is well!
Christa Cortez

Pόtz daughter
"I see and appreciate the value and intricacy in what top
breeders put into breeding these excellent dogs. Minka is a
member of the
There is no price on that. "
California |

Feli/Puts daughter |
9 month old Ursy vom Haus
Merkel at the dog park having a
great day looking for all her
friends! |
9/9/12Hi Dyan,
You know, prior to finding your site I was searching for a breeder for almost a year. I was searching local, out of state, and even international. I've even thought of adopting. I would check out local pounds to see if there was a dog fit to be part of our family. Most of the dogs that were up for adoption were not suited for a house with children, therefore, I scratched the whole adoption idea. I was never 100% sure on a dog because during that time, I had scheduling conflicts with work, the kids, and school. In addition to that, my son's allergist forbid us from having a puppy. You can imagine how heart broken my son is because of that. In addition, I felt our place was too small to support a big dog.
There was two reasons why I decided to have a puppy. Mind you, my husband was against it-unless the dog was a GSD. The main reason was the constant begging from my children and my son telling me he resents himself because his allergies didn't allow him to own a dog-ever. This broke my heart. The second reason was because of the incident that occurred in our office building back in April. Our building had an attempted robbery. Long story short, the robber assaulted two people and it all happened in front of our office. The first thing that popped in my head was, "We need to get a dog, like, NOW!"
After that, puppy searching simply got serious and was on a whole different level. I wanted a puppy that was of high quality, exceptionally large, great to train in terms of protection, yet had the loving and loyal disposition of the breed. For me, this is important. Now, you may think we have deep pockets- but we actually don't. At least not yet. My husband and I make an honest/decent living and are in the upper middle-class range in terms of salary. It's a great living, but not rich by any means.
When I ran into your site- it was like reading a book and opening a present at the same time. It literally surprised me! I love the articles, detailed information, and of course the pictures. It wasn't sketchy or misleading. Most importantly Dyan, your site showed me your passion and dedication for the GSD breed and that's what I wanted in our breeder. I highly respect your hard work, commitment, sacrifice, and endless efforts in keeping the quality of the breed a priority. You educated me and I thank you for that.
I'd buy an older puppy from you. I know they need loving homes. My husband already thinks I'm crazy for spending that much on a puppy. Enjoy your day with the dogs tomorrow. You need it!
@ 11 months

Puma/Ken son |
Hi Dyan
Every time i take ranger out
people stop to tell me he's
beautiful and sweet. Several have
asked me for your info.
I Love him'
California |
I hope you are doing good. Codin is stilll adorable - even with those floppy ears....should I tape them up? He left your house with alert ears. They came down about a week later and he still isn't picking them up - I wonder what happened? I also took him to the vet, he suggested surgery about 5 months to be neutered, so in October or early November I will take him in to be neutered.
He brings the newspaper up when Kristen gets the mail after school every day. Kristen walks him and plays with him every day. They play fetch and he brings the ball back, he harasses the cat and is generally enjoying being a family dog.
P.S. My neighbor Marcy talked to another neighbor about adopting your cockatiel, but she already has 3 birds and said no. If I know of anyone, I will let you know
Anuschka/Scotty 'C' litter Texas
'Z' Litter

Attached are 2 pictures of Lexi and Laney. I will send a second e-mail with the additional images. She is working on her Canine Good Citizen for AKC. Our home owners insurance company requires this.
Hi Dyan,
I'm messaging you with the hopes
that you can help me. My GSD's
breeder will be of no help, this I'm
My dog has been
ill on and off since he was a puppy,
starting with PANO. Anyway, he is 2
1/2 years old and suffers from
chronic pyoderma. He is on SPL
injections, medicated baths weekly,
benadryl almost every night and
Natural Balance grain free kibble-
chicken & sweet potatoes. He looks
good but is uncomfortable. I can see
it. He does have some sensitivities
to molds, dust mites, pine trees. My
vet did not think it was worth it to
spend the money on food allergies.
This dog is even mildly allergic to
humans. Ace is currently on
antibiotics because of a break out.
This cannot be long term as you
know, because of future resistance.
The vet as mentioned changing him to
Abady dog food. I am going crazy
trying to figure out ways to help
him, in his environment. I ripped up
my rugs and put pergo flooring down
and now I'm thinking I should rehome
some birds as I have 6 of them.
Thinking he may be allergic to them
as well.
I'm sorry to
bother you (because I'm not
technically a client yet) but you're
the only breeder I can go to. From
what I've read and seen on the net,
you have the values of a very
respectable breeder. Any input would
be appreciated. Have you ever heard
of this in other lines? Thanks so
much ahead of time.
~Kristal |
"R" Litter

Ken/Puma son |
Hi Dyan,
Hope all is going well. This pic is a month old now (11 months), but wanted to share. Duke is doing great, and enjoying his summer on the lake. He still wears his life jacket cause we are too scared to do without it.
"R" Litter

daughter |
Dear Dyan,
I can't believe Luna is almost a
year old (Puma/Ken)....We took her
on our family vacation to Nantucket
where she swam and played on the
beach daily. She adapted to sand and
sea as if she never knew anything
'A' Litter

Yuma/Fenja |
Maddie went for final shots last week. Looks great & weighed in at 47.5 lbs.
AKA Blitz, AKA Mika

Italo/RIesa daughter |
Original owner was
told by a group of 'trainers' of
Malinois that Her dog 'Blitz'
(Fenja) dog could not do Schutzhund.
I would love to see their
Guess what...Fenja
was returned to me, then this gal in
Florida bought a Malinois puppy.
Watch your trainers, they have a
hidden agenda just to get into your
pocket and sell you one of their
However, 'Fenja'
(Mika) has a great owner now and is
working with real trainers!!!!
Kansas |
Hi Dyan, Rory is beautiful. Everyone that sees him just goes on and on about how gorgeous he is. Plus he is almost a very good boy. LOL His adolescence has been difficult. Typical teenage boy. LOL He is about 80 pounds at 9 months right now. I’ll share some photos when I get his papers. You are going to be very proud of him.
'R' Litter

Ken/Puma son |
I hope things are well. I have been meaning to send you a photo of beautiful Remo, and will soon. I just wanted you to see this. It appears that your email account has been hacked.
is the most amazing dog I have ever
Take care.


Mambo/Ussi daughter
Hey Dyan,
Liebe and I received our
documentation from the Nat'l Assn
for Search and Rescue today
showing our recent certification as
a SaR K-9 team in Area Scent.
I have attached a copy of our
certificate and will send a pic of
the two of us very soon for your
I am extremely proud of our bright
and talented girl and I just knew
you would be too!

5-7-12 Well here are a few
pictures of Zeus patrolling the
yard. The neighbors call him Mr.
Tuffy because he lets you know if
anyone is around.
He loves the grand kids a looks out
for them. Can't ask for a better
companion and protector.
Ken Colleyville, Texas |

Zorro/Elvy son
'x' Litter |
The puppy Alex
is doing great!
His temperament
in public
continues to
exceed any and
His stool is now
firm. We have
him on a White
fish food he
goes bonkers
He learns tricks
in Minutes!
Has a true
excitement for
his daily
routine. House
broken with
basically no
We have decided
that schutzhund
is a bit to much
for us. We are
starting basic
training this
coming week.
Just for fun,
nothing to
serious. He
needs very
little help, so
crazy smart.
His left ear is
still down, is
that OK?
Very playful
excitement boils
over in am play
time and he goes
for the fore
arm. It is out
of a
playfullness for
sure. However in
the overexcited
state a firm NO
seems to have
little effect.
What is best way
to handle?

Yuma/Fenja son |
4/23/12 ...."helping mom plant
Karen Texas |
Putz/Wickie son |
Hi everyone,
We left Otto vom
Haus Merkel on
the deck one day
unattended and
we noticed he
was all wet and
no water was
running. Our
friend Josephine
told us he could
turn the faucet
on and off. We
didn't believe
While we were at
work, Josephine
filmed this to
convince us that
Otto knew how to
turn the water
ON and
For those of you
who don’t know
Otto, he is our
son Max's 17
month old German
shepherd. We
think he might
be smarter than
a 5th Grader!
'R' Litter
6 months old

Ken/Puma son |
'Duke' Cortez
Indiana |

I recently adopted a
German Shepherd from my
friends Bob and Wendy Dowds from
Visalia California. Regrettably
they have lost the purchase
records. They remembered that
they bought the 2 year old
Shepherd male from a Texas,
Dallas/ Fort Worth Breeder (the
breeder was a lady) and had it
flown to California and that the
dog's first name was Fix. He was
protection trained, but again
they do not remember the extent
of the training.
I saw your webpage and noticed
that your Shepherds have the
same colors as Fix. I would like
to find out more about him,
since he is a magnificent dog.
Kind, protective, loving and
awesome to look at. It would be
great to understand more about
his training background.
Just wondering if he might by
chance be from you. Please see
attached photo.
Thank you for your time.

Zorro/Elvy & Putz/Wickie |
All's well but
EVERYONE is a bit tired :)
Alabama |

Bryn vom Haus
She really is
beautiful! She
weighs 85
pounds, but she
isn't overweight
at all! Just
very large boned
and very
muscular. She is
such a nut! She
does so many
funny things
that have us
rolling in the
floor. But when
she is on the
wheelchair she
is all business.
It is amazing
how quickly she
can switch from
pet to working
dog! What she
was doing in
that picture was
trying to get me
to take her to
campus where she
knew Alex was!
She thought she
was being sly,
but I was on to
her! LOL
that we
found out is
that the
odor of
marijuana is
to her. How
we found
this out was
a guy came
to class
with some in
his back
back. She
sneezing and
then glaring
at his back
pack. She
continued to
chuff at it.
After class
the guy
comes up to
Alex and
says "dude,
you should
let us know
your dog is
trained in
drugs!" Alex
said she's
not, he said
"Yeah right
that why she
knows I have
a joint in
my bag". How
funny is
Victor & Biggi sons

4 years old |
Wickie vom Haus
Merkel older brothers.
Texas |
Feli &
son |
Thanks Dyan.
When was his birthdate????
I'll have Linds send some pictures
Uzi's head tomorrow. He has a
big noggin. Beautiful dog. Will do
Putz proud. :)
Matt Dailey
Texas |
"Emma" 10
months old
Hearing Ear Dog

Repeat breeding
Putz &
Kim daughter |
Dyan - wherever we go people
comment how beautiful Emma is - some
have said they have never seen such
a perfect looking GS dog :-) very
friendly and attentive - a real
people-dog .. loves everyone and
loves to play with other dogs.
Maine |
My name is Deana
and I'm the
for the Guide
Dog Foundation.
I am based out
Athens, GA,
but the main
campus is in
Smithtown, NY.
I want to start
off by saying
how very
impressive your
site is. We have
a very small
breeding colony
of GSd's here in
the South (4
females ranging
from 5 months to
4 years, all
carriers for
mylopathy, 1
male that is
also a carrier
and 1 male that
is clear) so we
are always on
the look out for
the temperament
that we need as
guide and
service dogs but
also a non
Can you tell me
your prices for
puppies or even
an adult that
would fit these
Guide Dog
for the
Blind, Inc.

Flikka & Rio
'Y' litter |
We love Molly
and Titus dearly. And they are
spoiled. The picture of Molly was
this morning. When people see them
they always say how beautiful they
Oklahoma |
Service Dog

'F' Litter
Italo & Riesa |
August 22, 2011
Hi Dyan,
Fred is Great!
Hearing Ear Dog

Putz & Kim
Litter |
Deb Silverman posted on your
Wall. |
born 2-22-2011 to
via Dyan's careful
match-making, is now almost
6 mos old, approx 46 lbs,
and a very happy girl. She
has taken several obedience
courses, passed the AKC CGC
(good citizen), agility
course work, and is a
service dog in training
(Hearing Ear Dog - her owner
is deaf). Soon she will
receive 1-1 specialized
Emma has
a wonderful temperament -
loves people, children, dogs
(and cats) - very (too)
smart and has mastered
nearly every dog toy (that
holds food) available."
Maine |
Formerly FENJA
'F' Litter

Italo & Riesa |
Hi Dyan
J ust
wanted to let you know
Mika might have saved my
life today.
Here's what happened:
There was this weird guy
outside my apartment
looking in our windows
and when I went to take
her out to go the the
bathroom he kept like
pacing and looking at
me. He started walking
toward me and I was like
can I help you? He
didn't say anything by
this time Mika was
already by our front
door I was by the stairs
probably 30 feet away
and she must have sensed
I was nervous and she
came around the corner
and stood in front of me
and started barking, he
took off to his car. I
reported all this to the
police this morning and
they reported it to our
Because of her I
thankfully am sound at
home but who knows what
could have happened.
Thank you for giving me
my best friend who I
trust more than
anything. She definitely
makes me feel so safe
when Ryan isn't there
Markell & Ryan
Ps. Ryan gets deployed
on may 10th and we are
coming to Dallas
Christmas time so will
have to stop by and see
you maybe help with some
puppies if you have any

Putz & Zessa |
Hey Dyan,
I haven't sent you a picture on a
while. Minka is doing so well! Here
is a quick photo showing her riding
in the back seat of the convertible
enjoying some wind. She spent her
first day at a doggie daycare and
did wonderfully with all of these
strangers and other dogs. People
really love her sweet temperament.
She is also the most beautiful GSD I
have ever seen! Anyway just an
Take care,
California |
Just an update Maximus is doing
great, I will send picture - I can
not believe he is almost a year old.
(Putz and Kim) he is beautiful. What
a sweet boy, loves to chew my little
one but getting better. I am very
happy with him, he is starting to
get red. This is Max, birthdate
2/22/11. He has such a beautiful
face and he is so sweet New Jersey |
@4 months

Putz-Kim daughter
'N' Litter
July 20, 2011
Here's a photo of
Gilly at 4 months.
She's doing very
well. She's doing
her K-9 obedience
training and the
trainer is working
us with the
tracking. He likes
her a lot and he is
anxious to see what
she can do.
Depending on how
well she does, the
officer has talked
about Gilly and I
possibly joining the
local search and
rescue group. That
would be fun. But
first I need to get
through my knee
replacement surgery
next month.